2021. április 5., hétfő

Az Európai Űrügynökség hivatalos könyve - Our Future in the Space Age (űrhajó, űrkutatás) - Jelenlegi ára: 3 300 Ft

Obsessed with technology? This book looks at how space technology can impact our daily life now and in the future.
Space is an incredibly hard environment to work in: weightless, airless and with daunting temperature extremes. Systems must operate reliably for years on end, with no chance of repair. Under ESA leadership, European space industry develops top-notch space technologies, many of which offer valuable attributes to terrestrial industries as well. This book introduces ESA’ s technology transfer programme and tells the stories of the space technologies already being used on Earth.
Az ESA hivatalos oldalán 25 euróba kerül.

Jelenlegi ára: 3 300 Ft
Az aukció vége: 2021-04-05 22:11 .

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